In today's modern age everything is scientifically scrutinized. Accordingly, it can be known that a male child born to a person is derived from a male. Earlier, the woman was asked to marry another woman because the man did not give birth to her.
Similarly, if a woman has not given birth to a child, he puts that woman away and marries another woman; It may even be her sister, and the girl will be asked to marry him. They will make the mind and body of the childless woman suffer. And it is the women rather than the men, that is, the women of the mother-in-law, mother-in-law, neighbors and neighbours, who are responsible for it.
Now keep what you are going to say deep in your mind. No woman is childless. That means there is no childless woman. There is a childless man. It is not clear why they hid the astrological rules for this. In those days, some astrologers for their own survival and honor – for the rich and why, for the sake of the kings, hide the man's fault, the flaw in the man's body, on the woman, just as they gave many injustices to the woman in that time, and put the blame on the woman in favor of the man, it is very painful to know today. It is also necessary to show hatred towards them. It was not aliens who did this, it was our ancestors.
Today everyone, men and women of all religions are very happy when they learn astrology and get unlimited joy when they discover the truths. Astrology is a wonderful science and art. My Gurunath used to say, “Every family should have a well-learned astrologer”. I am obliged to say this here too.
To stand, through astrology, one can know whether a boy is fit to bear a child or a girl is fit to bear a child with birth horoscope. Also, if it is not the case, we can get medical help and get a child through it.
A man's natal chart will tell whether he is fertile, i.e. his vital cells are in the right condition or he needs to increase his vital cells after medical treatment. Some astrological rules and calculations for that are very clear.
Astrology also clearly explains whether a woman is fit to give birth to a child normally or to give birth with medical assistance. It can also be used to know if infertility is occurring in both (male/female). Can I adopt a child after that? Or is it privileged too? Astrology has a way to know whether or not. Astrological rules and accounts are there.
We are going to see all of them in this article. When they cannot see them properly themselves, if they have an astrologer near them who can see them in this way; Seek his help and get real information. The first thing that is required for this is correct birth notes. That is, only if we know the exact time, date, year, month and place of birth of a boy/girl, we can predict it correctly in this Vedic Astrology system. It's a bit difficult for those who don't have it. There are other ways to do that. It can be found in another article.
There is an astrological calculation called beeja sputum to know whether a man has the ability to produce a child or not. According to this, if in one's birth horoscope, the aspect of the soul/life factor Sun, the aspect of Guru, the aspect of the son, and the aspect of Venus, the aspect of the fertility, if all these are added together in the sign in which it is placed/falls, it is a male sign, and the sign in which the added aspect falls in the navamsa is a male sign, then the jataka will have a son. It is known that he has the ability to give and that he has the life force to give birth normally.
It can also be said that if the conjunct is a female sign in any of the rasi or navamsa, then only medically he can give birth to a son. It can also be said that if the Rasi and Navamsa are in a female sign, he will not be able to give birth to a son. God is his helper.
Similarly, there is an astrological calculation called Shetra Sputum to find out whether a woman is in a position to bear a child based on her horoscope. To see that, in the birth horoscope of a woman, the aspect of the Moon, which is the physical aspect, the aspect of Guru, which is the son, and Kalatra aspect for the woman, Mars, which is the aspect of blood, bone marrow, virility, etc. If the falling navamsa falls in a female sign then the girl becomes a perfect daughter who will easily give birth to a child. It can be seen that the development of the ovaries is in a proper state.
This means that if one of the conjoined parts is male and the other is female, there is no immediate solution for the production of a son, but it can be said that the woman will be able to bear the child only through dosha varti and medically.
What we need to know from the above information is that if we analyze a horoscope in advance and find it correctly, we can get the solution for the next steps like medical help and get the child blessing. It is possible to know these details at the time of marriage and get medical help accordingly to get the blessing of a wonderful child. Separation between couples due to this reason can be prevented. Why, generally when we look for compatibility, we only look at the economic status of the couple and their beauty, education, job, salary, etc. Along with this, when the eligibility for son is known in advance, the bond between the couple will continue beautifully for a long time.
In general, the information for the child is known by placing the 5th bhava in the ascendant, but one should study the above astrological accounts to get the benefit of knowing the true status of a person, about his body composition, and about the ailments that the body gives.
We provide astrological consultation through mail and telephone to those who wish to see astrology with us from abroad.
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